Harper School Nurse


Valerie Morse, RN
[email protected]
Attendance Line(847) 512-6250
Health Office:  (847) 251-6754 x6202

Welcome to the Harper Health Office page!


Emergency Action Plans and Medications for the 2018/2019 School Year:

For those students with food allergies, a new Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan is due on the first day of school; please submit this form along with your child’s emergency medication. A copy of the form can be found here:



D39 requires a current Asthma Action Plan for those students who keep a bronchodilator at school. A sample plan for home and school can be found here:



A current Medication Authorization form is required to accompany any medication (other than an Epipen already covered by an emergency action plan).

A blank form can be found here:



Attendance Line: 847-251-6754

Please remember to call the attendance line to report any absence or late arrival to school.  Notifying your child’s teacher does not replace a call to the attendance line.  Thank you for your partnership in this important safety measure!

Head Lice: We truly appreciate your continued diligence in checking your children at home.  Although head lice do not pose a health hazard, we recognize the concern and stress lice can produce for many families.

  • As of the 2016-2017 school year, D39 schools do not perform class-wide lice screenings, a decision based largely on recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/135/5/e1355.full#content-bloc
  • D39 currently emails notification of lice in the classroom with a minimum of one reported case of lice or nits.
  • When a case of lice is reported, the custodial staff performs an appropriate cleaning of the room. Teachers are asked to launder or contain pillows or upholstered furniture per recommended protocol.
  • Repeated and regular thorough checks at home are the best line of defense in addressing head lice. The egg-to-egg life cycle of the louse is approximately 17-26 days: the egg (nit) typically hatches in 7-12 days; the nymph matures over 9-12 days; the mature female lays eggs 1-2 days after maturation. A single check is not sufficient.
  • The nurse is always available to check individual students who are symptomatic; students found to have nits or lice are sent home per D39 policy and may return once they are treated and lice/nit free. The nurse also checks siblings and identified close contacts of students with lice.
  • Professional (vs. home) identification and treatment of lice is by parental choice and is not required. Home treatment is a proven successful option; your pediatrician can make recommendations about preferred over-the-counter or prescription strength home treatments. It is critical to follow home treatment instructions from start to finish; incomplete treatment will likely result in re-infestation.
  • Securing long hair in a braid/ponytail/bun during a period of exposure in the classroom will further minimize the risk of transmission. Lice do not jump or fly; they are transmitted by close head-to-head contact. They also do not live off the body for a period longer than 1-2 days. Please encourage your children not to share hats, scarves, brushes, or hair accessories.
  • The Iowa Department of Public Health provides excellent information about the transmission and detection of lice, including a recommended 14-day treatment plan: Head Lice Brochure.pdf

District 39 General Health Information